Two weeks ago, MPPs were sent back to their ridings for the rest of the summer as the Ontario Legislative Assembly suspended its work until September, so a lot has happened since we last spoke!
It was a busy last week at Queen’s Park, filled with debates, interviews, and informative meetings. I made a Member’s Statement to praise the collaboration we’ve seen in the legislature since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch my statement here. My first months as MPP at Queen’s Park have been everything but normal. The cooperation was certainly a welcomed abnormal and I was hopeful that it could continue in the Fall so that we could continue working together effectively for our communities.
Unfortunately, the government’s actions in the last days at Queen’s Park have quashed that hope. The passing of bills 184, 195, and 197 expeditiously, without proper consultation and debate, is a clear demonstration that the Ford Government is back to its old ways. As I explained in my interview with Le Droit, the way in which bills were rushed through the legislature leaves too much room for misuse of power. It will be extremely important to monitor the implementation of these laws to ensure we are protecting the rights of Ontarians.
I also made sure to urge the Minister of Education to provide clarity about the plan for reopening schools in the Fall. It has been too long and students, parents, and educators deserve to know so that they can start preparing for what’s to come. Watch my question here. Last week, the government announced its plan for reopening schools. Unfortunately, this plan appears insufficient in several aspects and I will continue to consult with both education and healthcare experts to call on the Government to provide adequate resources for a safe and equitable return to school for everyone.
Do you have questions or concerns about the reopening plan for schools? I’d like to hear from you! Next Saturday, August 8th, I’m hosting a virtual Coffee Talk to discuss how residents of Ottawa-Vanier are feeling about going back to school.
Does this sound like a conversation you or someone you know should be a part of? Email lcollard.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org for more information and to receive the Zoom link! I am eager to hear from as many members of our community as possible.
I hope you had a fun and safe long weekend!
P.S. The COVID Alert app is now available in Ontario. The app tells you if or when you have been in close contact with another user who has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. I encourage you to read more about it and download it to help stop the spread!