Mise à jour de votre députée provinciale concernant le COVID-19
Aux cours des dernières semaines, les membres de notre communauté font preuve d’une générosité, d’une patience et d’une créativité remarquables face à la pandémie de COVID-19. Le gouvernement a dû prendre des décisions difficiles et nos efforts doivent être maintenus pour retourner à la normale le plus vite possible.
Je remercie le personnel de première ligne qui lutte contre la pandémie avec courage et détermination. Tous ceux et celles qui continuent à œuvrer dans leur milieu de travail pour assurer notre santé, notre sécurité, et le fonctionnement de notre société méritent toute notre gratitude. Merci aussi à chacun d’entre vous qui observez les conseils de nos autorités de la santé pour contrôler la propagation.
Pour relever les différents défis associés à cette crise, le Gouvernement de l’Ontario a pris des mesures additionnelles.

Important information to residents returning home from abroad
Federal and provincial public health leaders have recommended that all travellers from outside of Canada self-isolate for 14 days. These efforts will contribute to slow the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in Canada.
Lower electricity costs
By Emergency Order, the Government of Ontario has set all time-of-use price periods to 10.1₵/kWh. Bills will be automatically adjusted. No customer action required.
FAQ: https://www.oeb.ca/newsroom/2020/covid-19-peak-electricity-pricing-place

Government of Ontario Action Plan
The Government released an action plan to support people and the economy.
For more information: https://budget.ontario.ca/2020/marchupdate/index.html

Provincial emergency social assistance
You may be eligible for an Ontario Works emergency benefit if you cannot receive Employment Insurance or other assistance. If you are already registered with Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), please contact your caseworker. If you would like to register, you can visit this link: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-children-community-and-social-services
Ontario to Open Select Child Care Centres across the Province Childcare services
In order to support health care and frontline workers during this COVID-19 outbreak, Ontario plans to exempt certain child care centres from the order to close all licensed child care centres pursuant to the state of emergency declared earlier this week. This initiative is being done in partnership with service system managers and First Nations partners.
For more information visit Ontario.ca
Update for parents
As we enter week two, trying to work and keep our children occupied is definitely challenging. There are a number of online resources that you can check out to offer new ideas for your children.
The Ontario Government will also be launching an e-learning tool – for more information about this, please visit, Learn At Home
The Ottawa Public Library has a new portal for Kids, visit Isolation Recreation for Kids – where you can find online books, music and movies.
Student Portals – The schools have a number of online resources through their online student portals –
- Ottawa Carleton District School Board has resources HERE
- Ottawa Catholic School Board has resources HERE
- Ecole Catholiques Centre-East has resources HERE
- Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de L’Ontario has resources HERE
Visit the Government of Ontario Website for regular updates on the COVID-19 situation in Ontario : https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus
Federal Government
For more information on available assistance from the Federal Government, visit this link:
Ottawa Public Health
Stay informed: https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/index.aspx
If you get a text message saying you received a deposit for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit – it’s a scam! Don’t reply and don’t click on the link.
We are all in this together.
Lucille Collard, MPP