Hi there,
I hope you have been able to enjoy the warm weather we have been having while also being able to stay cool. If you are looking for resources and cooling centres to help with the heat, please visit Ottawa Public Health’s webpage on extreme heat and humidity.
Vaccine Update
A reminder that anyone age 18 and older who has received their first dose of a vaccine is now eligible for an accelerated second dose. Youth aged 12-17 will also become eligible starting July 5th. To book an appointment visit the provincial booking portal. If your first dose was Pfizer or Moderna, you can receive your second dose as long as it’s been at least 28 days since your first. If your first dose was the AstraZeneca vaccine, for your second dose you can choose to receive either a second dose of AstraZeneca or one of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) if it’s been at least 8 weeks since your first. For more information on this, visit this link.
I was glad to contribute to community immunity by getting my second dose along with my mother this week. Thank you for doing your part to keep our communities safe!
Community Roundtable on Family Medicine
Mark your calendar! On Thursday, July 8th at 7 p.m. I will be hosting a virtual community roundtable on Family Medicine. We all know that accessing a family physician is easier said than done and that many residents in our community do not have equal access to such healthcare. This roundtable will be the perfect opportunity for you to share your own experience with accessing family medicine. We have two family physicians from the riding joining us as special guests to discuss and share their perspectives.
Understanding Step Two of Reopening
This Wednesday, we moved into Step Two of the reopening of the province, and I know many of us were excited about this news. This step is all about further expanding outdoor activities and resuming limited indoor services with small numbers of people and with face coverings being worn. You can see the graphic below and visit the webpage on Reopening Ontario for more information on all the changes to restrictions.
I want to thank our essential workers and everyone who has been doing their part. Our ability to reopen is thanks to everyone’s resiliency and commitment to following guidelines. Let’s keep it going, stay safe, and remember to support local whenever you can as our businesses get back on their feet!
Canada Day is an important opportunity to think about our history and our contributions to a path forward. This year there is much to reckon with and grieve as we learn and educate ourselves on shameful moments in our past. Reflecting together on this country’s history and committing to working on our present can ensure that the future of this land is one that we all celebrate and call home. I remain committed to this undertaking.
Talk soon,